Sweet Boy: "Mommy, I want to be 3. Will I ever be 3 again?"
ME: "No sweetie. You can only be 3 once. Now you are my big 4-year old."
Sweet Boy: "But Mommy, I promise to still go poo-poo in the potty. If I still wear underwear then can I be 3 again?"
ME: "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. You only get to be 3 once. But now you are 4 and there are so many wonderful things that happen when you are 4!"
I remember growing up and wanting to be older. Now that I am grown up, there are times I wonder what it would be like to be younger. With every wrinkle, every body ache, every sag and bag, every age-related malady, I remember back to when I had none of these things. And then I smile.
There is something remarkable about growing older. I like the person that I have turned out to be. I like me. (Okay, I really could do without the wrinkles, but I digress.) With age has come confidence and wisdom. With age has come happiness and love. Age has been good to me. Sure, my body isn't what it used to be, but my mind is so much more.
Life is full of wonderful moments and opportunities. Each age has so many things to offer. Great experiences, great friendships, great teaching moments. I try to embrace each one. Some of them aren't my favorites...like having newborns who don't sleep...but I still find the good in them. They will be gone in the blink of an eye and I don't want to miss a moment.
I try to always remember that there is a time and a season for everything. Enjoy the time and season that you are in. Look forward to times and seasons to come.
So, Sweet Boy, enjoy being 4!
"You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!"
-Dr. Seuss
very well put! thank you for the insight!