I was NOT prepared for motherhood. Yes, I graduated from BYU with a degree in human/child Development. Yes, I worked in a hospital helping children and their parents cope with an upcoming surgery. Yes, I helped parents of children with Autism with THEIR parenting skills. Yes, I read ALL the parenting books. And yet, still not prepared. My advice to soon-to-be moms is always, buckle up.
Being a mother is hard.
But, being a mother is also wonderful. No seriously, it is. I know that it can be tiresome, annoying, lonely, bitter, monotonous, painful, humbling, (insert your own adjective here ____________), but it is also sweet, tender, funny and joyous. I think the reason that being a mother is so wonderful is precisely because of all of these jumbled up emotions. You know what it is like to feel tremendous heartache and sorrow, which makes it possible for you to feel the joy and happiness all the deeper. You have felt bitterness and despair, so you are able to more fully appreciate the sweet and lovely.
So, I will say it again: Being a mother is wonderful.